Notre-Dame of Laon

The Monumental Tour brings to light and to music the Cathedral Notre-Dame of Laon, a marvelous 12th century gothic monument.

The stopover of the Monumental Tour in the city of Laon gathered 2.500 spectators, during 5 hours of show with the participation of 6 artists of the international electronic scene.
In front of the imposing 75m high facade, Michael Canitrot presented an original musical set accompanied by a light show and a giant mapping created by the architects and designers collective AV-Extended.
He was joined by the German duo Monkey Safari, the DJs-producers Nico de Andrea and Wielki, as well as the young talent Darker.
For this occasion, a collaboration was set up with the local association "les Amis de Laon et du Laonnois" and, in exchange of their ticket, the spectators were invited to make a donation for the safeguarding of 2 historical paintings, L'Apothéose de Saint Vincent de Paul and La Visitation d'après Jouvenet, present in the Chapel of the hospital of Laon.
An unique moment of sharing, marked by this meeting between the Gothic heritage, the electronic music and the digital art